Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Tues 13th Dec - Fudoh

Fudoh, directed by Takashi Miike, stars Shosuke Tanihara and Riki Takeushi. This is a mid 1990s Yakuza story, with a culotured high school studetn recruiting class mates to take on (and take over from) the old generation of Yakuza - the promo blurb calls it 'a nihilistic gangster sage you'll not soon forget'. Last session fro the term - tuesday 13th, 6pm in Goldsmiths Cinema, MB. (100 mins running time).

All welcome.

injustice news 12/05

News from the makers of 'Injustice' - the radical feature length documentary film about the struggles for justice by the families of people that have been killed by the police in the UK. www.injusticefilm.co.uk

1. 'INJUSTICE' - international screenings:

Two important international screenings of 'Injustice' are coming up in Australia & Sweden. On 9th December the film kicks off on a tour of Australia at the Tom Mann Theatre, 136 Chalmers Street, Surrey Hills, Sydney. The 6.30pm screening followed by Q&A with special guest speakers Letty Scott and Gail Hickey and is a fund raiser for the Indigenous Social Justice Association Inc.

Details: 9318 0947 or isja01@bigpond.net.au

We have been invited by Aboriginal activist Sam Watson In Queensland to bring the documentary to Brisbane for screening both on and before Invasion Day, 26/1/2006.We will then show the documentary in Sydney on or before the 14th Feb, 2006, which will be the 2nd anniversary of the murder of TJ Hickey by the Redfern Police.During March 2006 we will take the documentary to Melbourne to link in with the rallies and protests against the Commonwealth Games being held in Melbourne.We are also expecting further interest from country locations in these three states as well as the remaining states also.

On the 10th December 2005 the film screens at ABF huset, Sveavagen 41, Stockholm, in SWEDEN. The 7.00pm screening is followed by Q&A with film maker and is later followed by a debate on human rights abuses in the UK. The screening as part of the Amnesty International Film Festival and marks International Human Rights Day 2005

Other national screenings are being planned in the UK. Details of forthcoming screenings are at www.injusticefilm.co.uk

If you want to organsie a screening email us at screenings@injusticefilm.co.uk

2. 'NO SHOOT TO KILL' - statement:

The United Families & Friends Campaign, supported by the 1990 Trust, CAMPACC and other groups, has begun a campaign to build a movement against the shoot to kill policy. A statement has been drawn up and we urge you all to sign it. If you want a copy of the statement emailed to you send an email to info@injusticefilm.co.uk with the words 'nstk statement' In the subject heading. Please spread the word and support this important initiative.

3. 'LICENCE TO KILL' - new film:

Migrant Media, the producers of 'Injustice' are making a new documentary film looking at state killings and the struggles for justice of families impacted, filming is now well under way. Many thanks to all those who got in touch and who have begun to work with us following our last bulletin. A production meeting will also be held in mid December. If you want to get involved in the making of this film contact the director at fero@injusticefilm.co.uk

4. 'Sweet France' - old film (and still relevant):

Winner Mentione Speciale Festival Images du Monde Arabe
Winner MilanoProvince Prize 5th Festival of African Cinema
'Sweet France' Migrant Media & Agence Im'Media's powerful 1992 documentary film charting the struggles of the Arab and African youths and communities in France will have a special screening in response to the uprising that has surfaced. There is a strong history of resistance to racist and state oppression in France and 'Sweet France' tells this story. Thurs 15 December at 6.30 'Sweet France' will be showing with La Haine at Offstage Theatre & Film Bookshop, 37 Chalk Farm Road, NW1. Details: 07788104609

To read more about 'Sweet France' and other Migrant Media productions log onto http://www.injusticefilm.co.uk

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Dec 14th - Virinder Kalra at Goldsmiths


Ccome to hear Cmrd. Virinder Kalra give a talk on wednesday - his topic is "(Post)Colonial Multiculturalism" at 4pm in Goldsmiths 2106 main bldg. Should be good. Then we go for drinks at the Rosemary Branch and [a very quick] dinner with him afterwards.

be well

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Sunday 11th December SAVE TOOKIE� protest in London

‘SAVE TOOKIE’ protest in London

Called by the Ad Hoc Committee for the Defence of Stanley ‘Tookie’ Williams
(An initiative of the Socialist Labour Party Youth, Artists Against Criminalisation and Che-Leila)

‘SAVE TOOKIE’ protest
Sunday 11th December
2pm @ LA Times office 116-118 Brompton Road
3pm @ CBS office, 68 Knightsbridge
Nearest tube station Knightsbridge

We are calling for people to join the protest in London on Sunday to defend the life and work of African-American Stanley Tookie Williams, especially urgent in light of his execution date in the US State of California on 13th December.

We believe that he is unjustly imprisoned due to the fact that he received an unfair trial. As examples of the unjustness of the trial, the prosecutor in Tookie's original case removed three African-American jurors from the jury; During Tookie’s trial, this prosecutor made racist remarks during his closing argument, comparing Tookie during the trial to a Bengal tiger in the zoo and stating that a black community - South Central Los Angeles - was equivalent to the natural "habitat" of a Bengal Tiger. Furthermore, in exchange for lighter sentences, some people charged with murder and rape, said that Tookie confessed his guilt to them - clearly a fabrication.

We support Tookie’s hugely effective work that he has conducted from his prison isolation cell in turning tens of thousands of young people from oppressed working class communities away from a life of gang violence against their own people and communities towards a life of rebuilding their communities and livelihoods. As a former gang leader, and founder of the South LA street gang ‘The Crips’, he is the most effective and best-placed person to turn youth away from anti-community and anti-people gang activities. As long as he is alive, he has the potential to save thousands more lives.

His series of eight books against gang-violence is used in elementary schools across the US to educate young people about the dangers of gang activities.
For this work he has received an award from President George Bush, and has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize five times!

It is in the interests of all those who want a positive alternative for our communities, particularly the youth, away from the societal decay, poverty and violence, and towards building positive alternatives for themselves and the community in which they live, to support Tookie in the continuation of his excellent work, and against his pending execution.

● We believe Tookie has redeemed himself from his past
gang activities, and is now a pioneer in the work of turning
youth away from destructive gang life
● We believe that Tookie should be freed so as to send a
message that resolving the problems in our communities
is a greater issue than the persecution of one person
● We believe that Tookie’s continued imprisonment
and death row status profoundly hinders the work of
communities in their efforts to eradicate anti-social gangs
● We demand that Tookie is saved from execution
● We demand that California State Governor, Arnold
Schwarznegger, grant clemency for Tookie, and hence
save him from execution

Sunday 11th December
2pm @ LA Times office 116-118 Brompton Road
3pm @ CBS office, 68 Knightsbridge
Nearest tube station Knightsbridge

In order to set-up a more on-going Save Tookie campaign,
there will be discussions in about this after the protest.
Venue to be announced at the protest or for more details call:
Matthew on 07765 998 581 or
SK on 07709 112 126
Email: lalsalaam@hotmail.com

- - - - - End of PRESS RELEASE- - - - - -

Monday, December 05, 2005

Dec 7 Keith Hart

Keith Hart (Anthropology) Wed Dec 7 at 4pm, Room 2106, Main Building, Goldsmiths College.

'The euro: a challenge for anthropological method'.


Friday, November 25, 2005



Fri 9 Dec,
Goldsmiths' College, Lewisham Way, Main Building Rm 274


Phil Cohen - Keepers of the Ruins? Dead Labour, Imperial Cities & the longPost War

Glenn Jordan & Chris Weedon - Race, War & Memory: Marginalised Narratives of WWII from Multi-Ethnic Cardiff Docklands.

Michele Barrett - Subalterns at War: Indian soldiers and the politics of First World War memorials

Nirmal Puwar & Kuldip Powar ? Who & How do we Remember? Stone, Sound &Texture.

Organised by the Sociology Department with the Unit for Global Justice and the Centre for the Study of Social Invention and Process (CSISP)inconjunction with a seminar series on Art:Conflict:Justice.

For further details on WAR:MEMORY:POSTCOLONIALITY (9Dec)

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Dec 10 Spheres of Action - Art and Politics

conference announcement:

Spheres of Action - Art and Politics on Saturday 10th of December at Tate Britain, brings together three of Germany’s leading thinkers on philosophy, art and the media 'to debate the changing relationship between art and politics'.

Peter Sloterdijk, on an extremely rare trip to the UK, is talking about the relationship between Surrealism and Terror. Peter Weibel will speak about the Political Revolution of the Neo-Avant-Garde, and Boris Groys will discuss the Politics of Equal Aesthetic Rights.

Gotta buy a ticket for this one... no entry without a ticket... get a tick tick ticket...ticketly tockety

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

News from the makers of 'Injustice' -

News from the makers of 'Injustice' - the radical feature length documentary film about the struggles for justice by the families of people that have been killed by the police in the UK. www.injusticefilm.co.uk

1. 'INJUSTICE' - international screenings:

Two important international screenings of 'Injustice' are coming up in Australia & Sweden. On 9th December the film kicks off on a tour of Australia at the Tom Mann Theatre, 136 Chalmers Street, Surrey Hills, Sydney. The 6.30pm screening followed by Q&A with special guest speakers Letty Scott and Gail Hickey and is a fund raiser for the Indigenous Social Justice Association Inc.
Details: 9318 0947 or isja01@bigpond.net.au We have been invited by Aboriginal activist Sam Watson In Queensland to bring the documentary to Brisbane for screening both on and before Invasion Day, 26/1/2006.We will then show the documentary in Sydney on or before the 14th Feb, 2006, which will be the 2nd anniversary of the murder of TJ Hickey by the Redfern Police.During March 2006 we will take the documentary to Melbourne to link in with the rallies and protests against the Commonwealth Games being held in Melbourne.We are also expecting further interest from country locations in these three states as well as the remaining states also.

On the 10th December 2005 the film screens at ABF huset, Sveavagen 41, Stockholm, in SWEDEN. The 7.00pm screening is followed by Q&A with film maker and is later followed by a debate on human rights abuses in the UK. The screening as part of the Amnesty International Film Festival and marks International Human Rights Day 2005

Other national screenings are being planned in the UK. Details of forthcoming screenings are at www.injusticefilm.co.uk
If you want to organsie a screening email us at screenings@injusticefilm.co.uk

2. 'NO SHOOT TO KILL' - statement:

The United Families & Friends Campaign, supported by the 1990 Trust, CAMPACC and other groups, has begun a campaign to build a movement against the shoot to kill policy. A statement has been drawn up and we urge you all to sign it. If you want a copy of the statement emailed to you send an email to info@injusticefilm.co.uk with the words 'nstk statement' In the subject heading. Please spread the word and support this important initiative.

3. 'LICENCE TO KILL' - new film:

Migrant Media, the producers of 'Injustice' are making a new documentary film looking at state killings and the struggles for justice of families impacted, filming is now well under way. Many thanks to all those who got in touch and who have begun to work with us following our last bulletin. A production meeting will also be held in mid December. If you want to get involved in the making of this film contact the director at fero@injusticefilm.co.uk

4. 'Sweet France' - old film (and still relevant):

Winner Mentione Speciale Festival Images du Monde Arabe
Winner MilanoProvince Prize 5th Festival of African Cinema
'Sweet France' Migrant Media & Agence Im'Media's powerful 1992 documentary film charting the struggles of the Arab and African youths and communities in France will have a special screening in response to the uprising that has surfaced. There is a strong history of resistance to racist and state oppression in France and 'Sweet France' tells this story. Thurs 15 December at 6.30 'Sweet France' will be showing with La Haine at Offstage Theatre & Film Bookshop, 37 Chalk Farm Road, NW1. Details: 07788104609

To read more about 'Sweet France' and other Migrant Media productions log onto http://www.injusticefilm.co.uk/

Mon 28th November - James Lull

From Dave Morley, of potential interest to PACSF members:

Mon 28th November 6pm

Room 256 Goldsmiths Main Building.

The Push and Pull of Culture
Fundamentalism and Cosmopolitanism in a Crisis World

James Lull

Professor Emeritus
San José State University, California, USA

The push of culture represents the socializing influences that become partof our lives implicitly-the collective "demands of culture." The pull side emphasizes how individuals today have become active agents of personal cultural construction-"culture-on-demand." Tensions between the push and pull tendencies create uncertainties and threats, but also offer tremendous hope for the long term. Mass media, the culture industries, information technology, and personal communications technologies interact to promotethe discourses and forms of social interaction that will shape the future of our precarious world.

James Lull is one of the leading scholars in the study of transnationalcultures. His books include Culture in the Communication Age (2001), Media,Communication, Culture : a Global Approach (2000), China Turned On: TV, Reform and Resistance (1991) and World Families Watch TV (1988). Besidesthe USA, he has taught at Universities in China, Mexico, Venezuela,Argentina, Brazil, Finland, Denmark and Sweden.


Sunday, October 30, 2005

Performance and Power - 29th November

Event organised by the Centre for Cultural Studies:

Performance and Power

A talk by Professor Jeffrey Alexander of Yale University, with Professor Klaus Peter Koepping and Dr Vikki Bell.

Tuesday, 29th November, from 6pm in Goldsmiths Small Hall. All welcome.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Exploding - Dec 2nd

This is good news:

"The Exploding Cinema, one of London's oldest and most disrespected underground film clubs, returns to grace the people of London with another night of fantastic low budget, no budget and underground shorts...So come ye, oh coooome ye to our not-too-far-from-Xmas December show for all the usual film-related fun, including visuals, prizes, a little bit of live performance and recorded music played through an electric amplifier

Friday December 2nd

(at The Hatcham Social Club Hall
369 Queens Road
New CrossLondon SE14
(New Cross Gate Tube + Queens Road Peckham BR
Buses: 36, 53, 171)

Doors open at 7.30pm..........entrance £4

As regulars will know this venue is well worth the entrance price alone. But on top of that you'll be getting to view a host of visual wonders, take part in a kindly raffle, and purchase refreshments at prices of times past!
For newcomers a handy map is available on our site at http://www.explodingcinema.org/ (along with details of how to submit work).
(along with details of how to submit work)"

So, submit some work. And see you there. J

Markets: Art and Money - Tuesday, 6th Dec.

Event organised by the Centre for Cultural Studies:

Markets: Art and Money

Professor Donald McKenzie (Edinburgh) and Professor Harrison White (Columbia), will be speaking on Tuesday, 6th December. 6pm-8pm, Goldsmiths Small Hall.

Email Jose Ossandon for further details.

Friday, October 21, 2005

25 November - Sokari Douglas Camp

at Morley College - 61 Westminster Bridge Rd London SE1 7HT

programme runs: 4.30 - 6.30

Sokari's talk starts 5.30

tel 02074501889
[Recent posts about Sokari - check: http://hutnyk.blogspot.com/2005/11/sokari.html ]

Saturday, October 01, 2005

1 December - Claire Colbrooke

Angela reports:

Claire Colebrooke will now speak on the 1st Dec (previously advertised as 30th Nov)

Topic: Gender and the Work of Art

4 30 room MB 256...Goldsmiths College, Main Building

followed by drinks in the bar

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Friday 25 November - ALL NATIONS RAVE

Jean Charles de Menezes Family Campaign
and Peace Not War present:

Friday 25 November 9pm-3am @ Jamm (formerly Bar Lorca),
261 Brixton Road, SW9£5 before 10pm, £8 after

featuring:Asian Dub Foundation’s Invasion Sound System feat. MC Spex
Maracatu [15 piece Brazilian band]
CNTRL Z [Funkatech/Hardcore Beats] feat. Miss Trouble [MCConvention] MC Incyte [Funkatech] MC RebelBase [DoubleNegative]
Chain of Command [Speakers Corner] feat. DJ Snuff
Ollywood [hardcore beats]
DJ Shodan [Ganja Records] feat. MC Lowqui [Metalheadz] Angel
Rhythms of Resistance Samba Band
MC Logic

Proceeds go to Justice 4 Jean and Peace Not War

For more info contact Katie on 07779 276 575

Monday, August 22, 2005

Film - 22 Nov

Tuesday 22nd November
Goldsmiths Cinema 6PM

Princess from the Moon
(Taketori Monogatari)

Directed by Kon Ichikawa

"It is hard to believe that any movie directed by Kon Ichikawa and starring Toshiro Mifune could be anything other than a masterpiece. It is even harder to believe that such a movie could be mediocre or bad. Princess from the Moon, however, truly is a dreadful film"

- which means we really got to watch this... if only to see if this 'movierapture' review makes any sense at all. I'veyet to see a really bad film by this director, maybe this is it. Come join the fun. All welcome, no charge.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

24th November Nicole Wolfe

CSISP/UGJ 'Art: Conflict: Justice' seminar series:

Thursday 24th November


Warmington Tower 1204

Nicole Wolf (Department of Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths)

'Translating Absences and Presences. Excerpts from looking at film and art practice in India'

This seminar is open to all staff and postgraduate students.For more details, please contact Beckie Coleman - b.coleman@gold.ac.uk